Footprints Of A Legend -  is a book for every serious Kingdom Financier to read. It is also suitable for anyone just hungry for financial success! In this book, Pastor Charles Ngobeni shares the learning he has received on his very bumpy road to financial success. There are many books on the market about wealth. Most are written by people who simply regurgitate textbooks… people who have not put their hands on the plough... Ps Charles distinguishes himself in that he has lived out every lesson that he shares in this book. If you study it and learn from it, you are sure to accomplish your dreams...
The cry of his heart is the fulfillment of Deuteronomy 8:18, "But remember the Lord your God, for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth and so confirms his covenant, which he swore to your forefathers as it is today." In this regard he has established himself as a true entrepreneur by faith and has become one of the few successful Black entrepreneurs not dependent on Government Tenders in South Africa.Yes, The Government has enabled him to be where he is through its enabling legal framework that repealed laws that prevented Black people from owning businesses. However, his success has been through: much faith in the promises of God, practise of the word of God, grit and persistence that has seen this man triumph against all odds in the very unforgiving business sector of South Africa for first generation Black business. Pastor Charles believes that for one to succeed financially and otherwise, they must obey God.
In terms of finances, the following are the principles, which he addresses so eloquently in the book: 1) Pay your Tithes; 2) Take care of your family (extended family included); 3) Take care of the poor, the stranger and the foreigner in your midst; and 4) Take care of those who feed you spiritually. He believes Deuteronomy 18:8, that the Levite must share equally in the benefits that his "congregation" experiences.
As EThekwini Community Church, we have experienced Pastor Charles' generosity of heart and vehement persistence in obeying the word of God. Every month, without fail, he supports our Centre of HOPE, which takes care of people infected and affected by HIV. He has included us in his quest to take Pastors to Israel. He is instrumental in our acquisition of our building for worship. He encourages our congregation whenever he visits us to Remember the Lord! for it is He who gives us the ability to create wealth.
Don't miss this masterpiece! Don't just read it... Study it and meditate on what the Spirit says!
~ Bishop Emmanuel Vusumuzi Dube, MPL and Dr Takalani Dube